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President is a shedding game where players try to be the first person to get rid of their cards. President can be played by 2 to 12 players.
Ranking of Cards
In President, 2s are high and 3s are low.
President is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. The dealer position moves clockwise each round. For the first round, the dealer is chosen at random. After shuffling the cards, the dealer passes out all of the cards as equally as they can to each player.
The person to the left of the dealer goes first and play proceeds clockwise. In President, players attempt to match or outrank the previous player. For example, if the first person plays a 4, the next person would have to play a 4 or a higher card. If a player cannot match or outrank the previous card, their turn is skipped and the next player tries to do so. If nobody can match or outrank the previous player, then the original player clears the discard pile and begins again.
Pairs outrank single cards (Three of a kinds outrank pairs etc.) however a pile must begin with a pair in order for other players to play a pair.
Players score penalty points depending on the order in which they got rid of all of their cards. The first player to do so scores no penalty points, the second player to do so scores 1 penalty point, and the last player to do so scores 3 penalty points. All other players score 2 penalty points.
The game ends when one player has accrued 6 penalty points; this can also be set to 5, 8, 10 or 15 points. Whoever has the fewest points at the game's end, wins.
CardzMania supports several customizable rules and options so you can play President exactly how you like or how you grew up playing with your friends and family. In addition to the classic way of playing, we often have new creative options for you to try to spice up the game if you are interested in trying different spins for fun.
Players determine a set amount of points when the game ends.
Players determine a set amount of rounds (also known as hands or deals) that the game will go to (instead of the points selection above).
Players only have a set amount of time to make their turn after which a turn is automatically played for them and the game proceeds: Fast is 7 seconds, Standard is 15 seconds, Slow is 30 seconds, and Very Slow is 60 seconds. Players can also choose to disable the timer, but that is only for private tables.
Two High
Players can decide if 2s are either the highest or the lowest value card.
Equal Ranks Allowed
When enabled, players can decide to allow playing cards matching the value of the previous cards. Players can decide to make all matching cards valid or they can chose an order for matching cards like SHCD, HDCS, or SHDC. If you are playing a set of cards, the highest suit card is used to determine the representative suit for the set.
Equal Ranks Skip Next
If Equal Ranks are allowed, then the next player loses their turn.
Larger Set Allowed
When enabled, players can beat a set with a larger set of cards with any value. Players can decide to never allow larger sets, only allow sets of a higher value or allow any larger set irrespective of the rank.
When enabled, four of a kinds, or 'bombs', can beat a 2.
When enabled, players can play runs of 3, 4, or 5 cards. The highest card in the run determines the rank.
When enabled, players can play chops, or Double sequences. Chops can beat four of a kinds and 2s.
When enabled, five card poker combinations are allowed. The ranking of poker combinations is as followed:
Straight – Five sequential cards that are not in the same suit.
Flush – Five cards that are in the same suit.
Full House – Three of a kind and a pair
Straight Flush – Five sequential cards that are of the same suit
Royal Flush – 10 through Ace of the same suit.
The person who discards all of their cards first becomes the president. The second person to discard all of their cards becomes the vice president. The person who discards all of the cards last becomes the scum and the second to last person to discard their cards becomes vice scum. When set to 1, the president exchanges 1 card with the scum. When set to 2, the president exchanges 2 cards with the scum and the vice president exchanges 1 card with the vice scum.
Double Deck
When enabled, the game is played with two decks. This variation is default when the game has 7 or more players.
Climbing games typically center around players getting rid of their cards as fast as they can. Each climbing game has its own rules for discarding cards and its own implications for getting rid of your cards first. Some games run on a points system where the player who gets rid of their cards first gets the most points. Other games run on a ranking system where the player who gets rid of their cards first is in a better position for the next round.
A deck of cards consists of 52 cards, with 4 distinctive subgroups. Each of these subgroups is recognised by a symbol and are referred to as suits. They consist of Clubs, Spades, Hearts and Diamonds. Each suit contains 13 cards which, generally, are considered in this order, Ace (A), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jacks (J), Queen (Q) and King (K). Some games include the two Jokers found in a standard deck but most games don't.
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